Recent Pastes rss

Title Name Language When
latest qemu-7.2 with xen support PryMar56 Plain Text 1 Year ago.
test install RL 9.1 Chmearl Plain Text 1 Year ago.
Serve mock repo with py3 http server module Chmearl Plain Text 1 Year ago.
grub2.el9 in Copr Chmearl Plain Text 1 Year ago.
lua posix namespace PryMar56 Plain Text 1 Year ago.
bcond to avoid tests in py builds PryMar56 Plain Text 1 Year ago.
nov26 branch of copr PryMar56 Plain Text 1 Year ago.
get fedora bin/src RPMs PryMar56 Plain Text 1 Year ago.
downgrade qemut PryMar56 Plain Text 1 Year ago.
install xen-4.17 in RL9 PryMar56 Plain Text 1 Year ago.
latest xen-4.17 in OL9 PryMar56 Plain Text 1 Year ago.
Copr suite test install, Dec22 branch fc35 for el9 PryMar56 Plain Text 1 Year ago.
fc35 Copr suite, Dec22 PryMar56 Plain Text 1 Year ago.
epel conflicts with Copr9 PryMar56 Plain Text 1 Year ago.
checkhealth-jammy PryMar56 Plain Text 1 Year ago.