copr-cli.noarch 1.105-1.el9 epel copr-selinux.noarch 1.54-1.el9 epel python-copr-doc.noarch 1.125-1.el9 epel python3-copr.noarch 1.125-1.el9 epel python3-copr-common.noarch 0.9-1.el9 epel python3-resalloc.noarch 4.9-1.el9 epel python3-rpkg.noarch 1.66-3.el9 epel resalloc.noarch 4.9-1.el9 epel resalloc-aws.noarch 1.3-1.el9 epel resalloc-selinux.noarch 4.9-1.el9 epel resalloc-server.noarch 4.9-1.el9 epel resalloc-webui.noarch 4.9-1.el9 epel rpkg-common.noarch the only package that is legacy is python3-copr-common, IOW is far behind, the others are too far ahead